Concerned About My Dad Driving
Dear Maryellen… I’m very concerned about my 85 year old father. He’s starting to show early signs of dementia and still drives. He enjoys getting out of the house and running errands but he insists on...
View ArticleAlzheimer’s Disease Clinical Trials
Dear Maryellen… I was reading the newspaper this past weekend and came across an article about a new drug targeting the Tau protein which causes Alzheimer’s. It seems exciting that there could be a...
View ArticleTips to Make Family Gatherings Less Stressful for Your Senior
Dear Readers, The holiday season is a time for families and friends to get together and enjoy each other’s company. However, for some senior citizens holiday gathering can be stressful, confusing and...
View ArticleTestimonial from Family Member
Dear Bloggers, I’d like to share a letter I recently received from a family member. Warmest Regards, Maryellen Dear Ms. Mckeon… This letter is a bit overdue but hopefully will reach the right desk...
View ArticleTalking to Your Senior Loved One about Assisted Living
Dear Readers, Suggesting Assisted Living to your senior loved one can be very difficult. Perhaps you’ve been avoiding the conversation. The Bristal’s TheTalk covers questions and concerns that your...
View ArticleResources To Care For Your Senior From A Distance
Dear Maryellen… My father lives in Boca Raton, Florida and was recently ill. Until now, he has been in pretty good shape for his 85 years. He is living with a few chronic ailments, such as Diabetes and...
View ArticleBenefits of Creative Activities for Senior Citizens
Engaging in creative activity is extremely beneficial for people of all ages, not just the young. Research shows both the acts of creative expression and social interaction are vital to the mental and...
View ArticleIs Alzheimer’s Disease Hereditary?
Dear Maryellen… My mother is in her mid-eighties and has been getting progressively more forgetful, but my father and mother just won’t admit it. My mother is currently going through some diagnostic...
View ArticleCreating an Inviting Sleep Environment
Dear Maryellen… It takes a very special person to care or assist someone that is forgetful or has dementia. What do you do when a resident is up all night? The practice here is let them be, but from...
View ArticleBeing Truthful with an Alzheimer’s Patient
Dear Maryellen… How truthful should we be with someone who has dementia or any form of Alzheimer’s Disease? Dear Uyla, Changes in memory are part of the aging process. It is when it interferes with...
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